Supervised learning: \(y = f(x)\)

  • 给一堆 \((x, y)\),目标是找到\(f\),以便有新的 \(x\),得出新的 \(y\)。

Unsupervised learning: \(f(x)\)

  • 给一堆 \(x\),找 \(f\) that gives you a compact description of the set \(x\)。又被称作 clustering 或者description。

    Unsupervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function to describe hidden structure from unlabeled data. Since the examples given to the learner are unlabeled, there is no error or reward signal to evaluate a potential solution.

Reinforcement learning: \(y = f(x) z\)

  • 它看上去跟supervised learning比较像,但是这里给出的是 \((x,z)\),试着找出 \(f\) 和 \(y\)。它是做 decision making 的一种方法。

state: \(s\) 坐标 \((1, 1), (4, 4)\)

model 又称作 transition model或transition function,它包含3个变量。

\(T(s, a, s')\) (state, action, another state), 前后两个 state 可能相同。what the function produces is \(Pr(s' \mid s, a)\)

actions: things you can do in a particular state

Markov 定理的特点:

  • only the present matters
  • rules (Transition model) don’t change

rewards: 1) R(s), 2) R(s, a), 3) R(s, a, s’)

a scalar value you get for being in a state. 第一种最常见

上述 state, model, actions 和 rewards 定义了一个problem,我们需要一个solution,这个 solution 叫做 policy。

Policy is a function that takes in a state and returns an action. Any state you are in, it tells you what action you should take.

\[\Pi(s) \rightarrow a\]

\(\pi*\) 代表 optimal policy, maximizes long-term expected reward

在前面 \(y = f(x) z\) 中:

\(\Pi*\) 相当于 \(f\)

\(r\) 相当于 \(z\)

\(y\) 相当于 \(a\)

\(x\) 相当于 \(s\)

所以 policy 是指你在哪一个位置,应该做哪个 action。

up up right right right 被叫做 plan。

他于 policy 的区别在于,policy 是指 Whatever state I happen to be in, what’s the next best thing I can do? Just always asking this question.

\[\Pi^* = \arg\max_{\pi} \space E[\sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \gamma^tR(S_t) \mid \Pi]\]


从一个 state 的 Utility 可以写成

\[U^\pi(s) = E[\sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \gamma^tR(S_t)\mid \Pi, s_0=s]\] \[\Pi^*(s) = \arg\max_a \sum_{s'} T(s, a, s')U(s')\] \[U(s) \equiv U^{\pi^*}(s)\] \[U(s)= R(s) + \gamma \max_a \sum_{s'}T(s, a, s')U(s')\]


  • action: BUY, SELL, Do nothing
  • state: HOLDING STOCK, Bollinger Value, adjusted close / SMA, P/E ration, return since entry
  • reward: return from trade, daily return

Model-based RL

Our experience tuple is

\[<s_1, a_1, s'_1, r_1>\] \[<s_2, a_a, s'_2, r_2>\] \[\vdots\]

where \(s'_1 = s_2\) and so on

Build model statistically of \(T(s, a, s')\) and \(R(s, a)\), after we get these model we can use value iteration or policy iteration to solve the problem.

Model-free RL (Q-learning)

What is Q?

Q is a table

\(Q[s,a] =\) immediate reward + discounted reward (reward for future actions)

If we have Q, how to use it to find \(\Pi\)

\[\Pi(s) = \arg\max_a (Q[s,a])\]

Find the \(a\) such that the value of \(Q[s,a]\) is the highest. Next question is how to build a Q table?

Bit picture

  • select training data
  • iterate over time \(<s, a, s', r>\)
  • test policy \(\Pi\)
  • repeat until converge (converge means more iteration does not make return better)

Details of iterate over time

  • set start time, init \(Q[]\)
  • compute \(s\)
  • select \(a\)
  • observe $r, s’$
  • update \(Q\)

How to update Q table

\(Q'[s,a] = (1-\alpha) Q[s,a] + \alpha \cdot\) improved estimate

\(\alpha\) is the learning rate usually takes 0 to 1, our case is 0.2 .

To expand the improved estimate part:

\[Q'[s,a] = (1-\alpha) Q[s,a] + \alpha \cdot (r + \gamma \cdot \text{later rewards})\]

\(\gamma\) is the discount rate between 0 to 1. A lower \(\gamma\) means we value the future reward less.

To expand the later reward part:

\[Q'[s,a] = (1-\alpha) Q[s,a] + \alpha(r + \gamma \cdot Q[s', \arg\max_{a'} (Q[s',a'])]\]

Two finer points

  • Success depends on exploration

Creating the state

  • state is an integer
  • discretize each factor
  • combine


stepsize = size(data) / steps
for i in range(0, steps)
    threshold[i] = data[(i+1) * stepsize]


  1. Learning model T, R

    \(T'[s,a,s']\) is a probability that in state \(s\), take action \(a\), what’s the probability of getting to \(s'\).

    \(R'[s,a]\) is the expected reward, if we are in state \(s\) and take action \(a\).

  2. Hallucinate experience

    • s = random
    • a = random
    • s’ = infer from \(T[]\)
    • r = R[s,a]
  3. update Q table with \(<s,a,s',r>\)

Learning T

init Tc[] = 0.0001
while executing, observe s,a,s'
increment Tc[s,a,s']
\[T[s,a,s'] = \frac{T_c[s,a,s']}{\sum_i T_c[s,a,i]}\]

Learning R

\(R'[s,a]\) is the expected reward, if we are in state \(s\) and take action \(a\).

\(r\) immediate reward

\[R'[s,a] = (1-\alpha) R[s,a] + \alpha \cdot r\]